The Madness of Party Politics and the Evolution of Political Machines


Why is it that a Speaker of the House has yet to be chosen? Why do some reject McCarthy?

Why are there shills for the entire corrupt process?

Establishment politics is akin to the old political machines. Within a decade of the ratification of the Constitution, the nefarious Tammany Hall machine came into being. One man took over—he was called Boss Tweed. The corruption that followed rivals the corruption of the Democrats today.

Tweed made everyone vote in lock step. Sound familiar? He ruled with an iron fist. If you didn’t play ball, you were out. Those who stayed were forced to follow him—and “contribute” to his coffers—which further entrenched his evil designs.

Sound familiar?

Republicans in Congress who oppose McCarthy have made it clear. They shun his effort because he represents the furtherance of Tammany Hall-style political machines. They refer to this as the swamp. And they have made abundantly clear that they desire to stamp out the political machine nature of current parties.

Consider for a moment. Parties are the bane of our system of government. The parties themselves have turned toward tactics eerily and frighteningly similar to Tammany Hall. In Congress, they reward their people with all sorts of perks and honors. In the country as a whole, they feed their constituents with a unending cornucopia of gifts—known marginally as welfare—including free phones and pandemic relief dollars.

Under Boss Pelosi, the Democratic party has never wavered in the process of voting for her wants. Imagine what would happen if a member of her caucus voted against her wishes. Into the doghouse. It’s actually happened, and legislators have actually switched parties due to her iron rule.

In point of fact… A Democratic Republic is a messy business. Legislators would of necessity be all over the map if they truly are representing their constituents’ interests.

In short, the mere evidence of lock step voting proves unassailably the political machine nature of our contemporary politics.

Is this how our government was supposed to work?


And this is precisely why all the establishment politicians and the political news media condemn this effort to block the coronation of a new Boss.

To a person, those who wish to see someone other than McCarthy (Boss McCarthy, if you will) have expressed that they—and more importantly, their constituents—want to escape the entrenched establishment way of doing things. Their voters have insisted on it!

But with each election, members of Congress continue to despise their voters. You want reform? I promise I will. Oh, but there’s this Omnibus spending bill. Or we must act on a dismantling of the first or second Amendments in the Bill of Rights. Do the voters want this?

If not, then why are candidates so insistent on telling them what they want to hear? Could it be because they have no intention of keeping those commitments?

The so-called conservative media pile on. Fox News has Boss Gingrich on to tell us—without any evidence whatsoever, for that would be anti-machine politics—that those who are blocking Boss McCarthy are doing so out of spite—that they’re blackmailers. And he labels them that because that’s the way of the political machines.

Fox’s Ducey says they’re doing this as a personal vendetta. Fox’s Kilmeade sells out with fearmongering about how awful it is for the country.

Others like Gingrich are on nonstop preaching the vile, filthy narrative that our country will be destroyed without McCarthy. Former Congressman Gowdy weighs in with how despicable it all is.

Yes, despicable for the swamp. We can’t repeal the 87,000 new IRS agents tomorrow?

To the machines, labels equal truth. Evidence need not apply.

No, this is about the evils of the current system. And a couple of dozen legislators are honorable enough to actually do what their constituents require.

The sell-outs are manifold. More than a hundred of them. Those who should champion this effort are against it. Why? I’m sure it has to do with the Boss’s doling out of favors and powerful committee appointments. McCarthy stands ready to do his duty as Boss.

Haven’t we seen this before? Didn’t Boss Ryan do the same thing? And yet our members of Congress line up like lemmings ready to jump off yet another cliff.

Now tell me: Why exactly did we fare so poorly in the midterms? Was it because we the people have caught on to the game? The one only the Democrats are all in on?

Is this how our government was supposed to work?

In his farewell address to the country George Washington set the stage. He warned of the dire effects of party politics—he called them factions. Playing the faction game would destroy the government, he said. And he pleaded with the people to shun these parties.

Believe the Bosses—including Newt, a consummate practitioner of the political machines and politics—or believe Washington. Stand and fight against the swamp—establishment politics—in our day. Boss Tweed was brought down by a small handful of prosecutors and patriots. These dissenters from McCarthy represent those men.