Confessions of an Obama Supporter–Politics as Usual?

I didn’t necessarily have it in mind to post today, but I ran across this OpEd piece in the Washington Post by Ruth Marcus.

President Barack ObamaNow let me just say at the outset that Marcus describes feeling “thoroughly depressed” after reviewing Obama’s debt reduction plan. But it seems to me this stands to reason at some level.

You see, Ms. Marcus appears to have bought into the “Change you can believe in” chant from a few years back. And now she apparently believes that Obama somehow reneged (just like I described in a piece yesterday).

The only difference? Marcus believes that, essentially, the devil made him do it—the devil being personified by those nasty members of the opposing party. [Continue reading]

Change You Can Believe In = Just Another Slick Politician

I don’t know how many of you are following the emerging Solyndra scandal (and I do mean scandal).Solyndra

National Review Online is reporting the story—complete with links to several previous reports—but for some reason, I haven’t yet heard it break on the major networks. Now that may be because I use CNN as my main source of news. But in any event, much of it appears lost on the world.

My main gripe has to do with how quickly this shows the President began breaking campaign promises after taking office. [Continue reading]